Manuel Alvarez Bravo

Alvarez Bravo was born on February 4, 1902, in Mexico City, and passed away on October 19, 2002.  It was stated that he took art classes and grew to love it. A surprising fact about Alvarez Bravo is that he is a self-taught photographer. Which is amazing since all of his photos are very nice! One of the reasons I decided to write about him was because when finding information about Alvarez Bravo, it was stated that he was a huge contributor for Hispanic photography during 20th century.

Many Hispanics/ Hispanic photographers looked up to him because of his photography skills. The reason I decided to write about this photographer is because I really enjoy the seriousness in his photos. I feel like each of his photos has a deep meaning behind it. He has also photographed cool and meaningful moments in history. His photography is surreal and ironic. Meaning that it doesn’t fit reality and is fake, but besides this it’s still very interesting,

One of the things that I look up about Alvarez’s work is that he was influenced by Hispanic mutualism culture, and his photography was mostly aimed for gaining Hispanic Identity. During his time many unfair and racists actions were happening to Hispanic people, so his photography was a great portrayal in this.

Frida Kahlo in Manuel Alvarez Bravo's Studio

This picture is really cool because Frida Kahlo was the most famous around this time and i love the clarity of this picture and how she is posing.

Laughing Mannequins
I like this picture because it embraces the femininity of the women’s and its weird that they are cutouts on the clothes.